Royal Academy of Arts London
Bailys Homestore GLOUSERSHIRE
Pollock's LONDON 02073797866
Yorkshire Sculpture Park SHEFIELD 01924 832631
Atticus Boo BUXTON 0129873237
Ark CAMBRIDGE 01223363372
Blue Swift Gallery RAMSGATE 07754897506
Buggies and Bikes LONDON 02072415382
Butler and Sweatman LEDBURY 01531 633931
Chirpy LEEDS 01132660062
Curiouser and Curiouser DEVON
Davenport and Daughter NORWICH 01263 715645
Design Shop HALIFAX
Fe Fe La Fou LONDON 02072491238
Frank et Fils PARIS 0033144143800
Harley Gallery NOTTINGHAM 01909501700
Hen and Hammock THAME 01844217060
Posy SUFFOLK 01787248080
Oklahoma MANCHESTER 01618341136
Parma Violet LANCASTER 01524272585
Raindrops on Roses ST ALBANS 01727 866898
Space EXMOUTH MARKET LONDON 020 7837 1344
Tales on Moon Lane LONDON 02072745759
The Golden Sheath Gallery NARBETH 01834 860407
The Wee Department Store - online BRIGHTON
The Workhouse Gallery NORHT WALES 01544267864
Tumbleweed PARIS 0033142780610
Upstairs Downstairs CROMER norfolk 01263514738
Vintage Shrewsbury SHREWSBURY 01743 240076
Vintinters LONDON 02083401237
Whirligig BRIGHTON 01273693241
Within Reason SHEFFIELD 01142493346